Love is in the Coffee.... I mean Air.

Support fighting against breast cancer with the purchase of coffee

Supporting Susan G. Komen in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

We want to make an impact in the fight against breast cancer in a different way. Although there are many causes supported discretely by our small business, we believe deeply in this one. Many of us have been touched by this disease including our owner, Melissa. She lost Brenda, a very close cousin and friend to this disease at a young age. 

We want to help Susan G. Komen save lives and end breast cancer forever. By taking our first step towards a world without breast cancer by raising funds to stop this disease that affects 1 in 8 women during their lifetime. As the world’s largest and most impactful breast cancer organization, Susan G. Komen supports more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit, while providing real-time help to those facing the disease.

You can make a donation online with your credit card by   Clicking here to donate. Black Powder Coffee will also be donating a portion of our October sales to show our support and contribute to the fight!

Thank you for helping us raise money in support of ending breast cancer forever.

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